Health care in the home is a continuation of health care when patients rae realeased from hospitals, spas and other institutions. It consists of procedures that the nurse is authorized to perform in accordance with the acquired competencies, in consultation with tihe doktor or physician. Healthcare in the home is provided by licensed nurses. The services are carried out according to procedures recommended by the medical commission (on allocation). |
Zdravstvena njega u kući nastavak je zdravstvene njege po izlasku bolesnika iz bolnice, lječilišta i drugih ustanova. Sastoji se od postupaka koje je medicinska sestra ovlaštena obavljati sukladno stečenim kompetencijama, u dogovoru s liječnikom. Zdravstvena njega u kući dio je usluga koje provode licencirane medicinske sestre. Usluge se provode prema postupcima preporučenim od strane liječničkog povjerenstva ( na doznaku ). |